[wip] Git Tutorial #7

GitHub Collaborations: Forks and Pull Requests

Intro to the page and topic.

Collaborators tab inside Settings. Looks different for Private repos, and needs to be confirmed with pass to access.

Adding my second account.

How the invite looks. Notifies that your profile will be shared with the owner. 

Cloning the repo on contributor's side.

Error message. 

Solved in terminal with ssh-keygen command.

First connection to first time host.

History of the cloned repo.

Commit from a contributor.

Commit pulled on owner's side.

Removing Lezalith from Contributors.

PErmissions now denied.

The fork tab on GitHub repo page.

Creating a new fork.

Forked repo created after slight load time.

Delete the original repo. Clone the fork.

Create new branch, lezs_contribution, and commit a newly created contributed_file.txt into it.

Push to origin new branch. Explain set upstream?

Branch selected. Pull request ready.

Default option when entering pull request - merging into main branch.

Switched to merging into the original repo instead. Comment included.

Pull request opened - contributor's side.

Pull requests page from the owner's side.

Pull request viewed. Merging options.

No merge conflicts - if there were, they'd have to be solved first.

"Open this in GitHub Desktop" option, include or not?

The merge completed.

History on owner's side after pull.

More text.

The summary bullet points!

  • One!
  • Two!
  • Three!
  • Four!

The final words!